Thursday, November 6, 2008
I love this passage that God taught me... :) Good things are mend to share.. Here are my learning points! :)
In 1 sam 30:1-6, it talks about David and his men upon arrival at Ziklag, saw the devastating scenes; where the city had been attacked and their wives and children captived by the Amalekties. Their natural reaction is of cause, worried and upset. They were so discouraged that they even wept until no more strength and energy.
On top of their city destroyed, people were contemplating of stoning the team's leader, David. He was "greatly distressed".
Despite facing such awful circumstances, they defeated the Amalekites and David's army rescued their family. So, what causes the victory?
The turning point comes when David strenghtened himself in God. (verse 6) So what makes him have such strength? How can we strengthen or encourage ourselves when we are so discouraged and life just turns upside down?
2 learning points to apply:
1. Remember God's work - what He has doneChoosing to review and recall God's work, the miracles, blessings, request answered, help and etc. will help you STOP thinking negative, START being positive! (During difficult times, satan love to wisper to ur ears: "See, I told you, God is not working." You are a child of God! This means you have authority to shut Satan by rejecting the deceptions that he has implanted in ur mind. Arent we fulfilling God's command by being positive and dwelling in good stuff? (tentatively cant find verse, eh...share when I've found..)
So, remember, TO REMEMBER God's goodness :)
2. Remember God's promises - where ur source of motivation is fromJoshua 1:9 says- "Be strong and of good courage; ......for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Isnt our great creator great? :) Emmanuel. Indeed He is. He is with us. And for us and holing us always. He does not lie nor does He have bad prediction. Infact, he do not need to predict! He already SEE our future! So, all the more, we should trust in Him.... Yes, life is tough. Its not easy. It just can be that yucky. But, the above all these, the greatest is His Love. Love that surpasses from generation to generation, even if heaven and earth fades, It does not perish; His love! :)
Lets learn from David, to wipe any the tears and strengthen ourselves in God and LEAVE your burdens to Him. Lets do so together. :)
References from: (hee hee. don't know correct format or not.. :P)
RBC Ministries. Managing Editors: Tim Gustafson. Senior Editor: Clair Hess. Editors: Anne et al. When life goes bad.Our Daily Bread.Volume 52, Number 9, 10, 11. Article: 8 January, Tuesday. Retrieved on: 29th Oct 2008.